My creative endeavors kicked into high gear during a time of crisis.
My daughter was 3 months old when we learned that she would die without extreme medical intervention. Having many idle hospital hours, I began to utilize my artistic abilities to journal and create art for personal therapy. Many procedures, tests, heart surgeries, and a liver transplant later, I'm happy to report our girlie is doing great!
Now, I'm focused on utilizing my God-given abilities to create art and designs for others - especially those who are hurting. I specialize in hand-painting Mended Hearts which is my (Bandaid Collection). This jewelry design was specifically made to encourage others, and remind them that they are not alone.
My original artwork features bold abstract designs with rich color contrasts bursting with texture. I often include layers of penetrant light, indicative of hope beyond today's turmoil.
From a small pendant to a large painting - my wish is still the same - that its recipient will feel a sense of love, hope, and encouragement from my work.